
Upcoming NPCAN Event:

Sunday, September 11, 2022: One Book/One New Prague

NPCAN and the New Prague library are excited to again be offering a community book read. This years book is The Seed Keeper, recent winner of the Minnesota Book Award. Free books are available at the library while supplies last. The event is free thanks to the generosity of NPCAN, Scott County library, Next Chapter Winery, and the Diane J. Sachs Trust. Must register with the library to attend.
A haunting multi-generational novel, The Seed Keeper follows a Dakota family and the trials they went through to preserve their way of life.
The main character Rosalie Iron Wing is sent to live with a foster family in Mankato after her father fails to return home one day. Told she has no family, Rosalie learns what it means to be descended from women with souls of iron—women who have protected their families, their traditions, and a precious cache of seeds through generations of hardship and loss, through war and the insidious trauma of boarding schools.
Weaving together the voices of four indelible women, The Seed Keeper is a beautifully told story of reawakening, of remembering our original relationship to the seeds and, through them, to our ancestors.

Past NPCAN events:

Sunday, May 15, 2022: Humanize My Hoodie

Speaker Seema Pothini talked to an audience of 70 people about all the ways people can be made to feel like “the other.” Sometimes it’s race, but it could be other issues: language, disabilities, gender identity, etc. She explained that one fo the most hurtful parts about being ostracized is when other people witness an incident and do not come to the defense of the person being bullied.  Seema showed a documentary about Jason Sole and Andre Wright about the work they have done using fashion activism to break down barriers. 

Sunday, Feb. 6th, 2022: Strangers to Neighbors: Immigration on our Southern Border

A big thank you to our Winter event committee members for our event on immigration on the southern border. Our speaker, Amy Aguirre said that people do not want to leave their homes; the number one reason they leave is to flee violence. Some of the actions of our government have made it harder for farmers to make a living and climate change is also making it harder for farmers. Below is a link to some of the files our speaker shared with us. Note that one of the documents is titled “Continue to learn about immigration.” This has a list of valuable resources to learn more about this topic. More information on immigration:

We were able to test out some new technology at this event thanks to the generosity of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Our speaker presented via zoom. Some of the attendees came in person, and some attended remotely via zoom. 


Sunday, September 12, 2021: One Book- One New Prague

Everything came together for this year’s One Book, One New Prague event: good weather, an entertaining author, and an engaged group of about 100 readers.  A big thank you to our co-sponsors: Scott County Library, Next Chapter Winery, and Giesenbrau Bier Company. The author spoke with humor about his trials as a writer, and about his upbringing in Hastings, Minnesota. The Lager Queen of Minnesota is an intergenerational novel that tells a story of estrangement, survival, and the need for family and community.

at Next Chapter Winery, outdoor patio. In case of inclement weather, watch this space.
16945 320th St. New Prague

4:30- Social Hour

5:30- Author presentation and questions

Drinks and snacks will be available for purchase. 

Join your fellow neighbors in a community read! The Lager Queen of Minnesota: A Novel by J. Ryan Stradal is a sweeping story of two generations of female brewers who each reckon with a chance to repeat or resolve the mistakes that tore their family part.  Full of lovable, funny and quintessentially American characters, The Lager Queen of Minnesota won the Willa Literary Award in 2020 and upon publication it was named an IndieNext pick, a Library Reads pick, an Apple Best Book of the Month, and Best Book of the Year.

100 giveaway copies are available for free at the New Prague Library while supplies last and several other copies are available for checkout including a bookclub kit for bookclubs to use.

This event is generously sponsored by the Diane J. Sachs Trust, Scott County Library (New Prague branch), New Prague Community Action Network, Next Chapter Winery and Giesenbrau Bier Co. 


Saturday, March 7, 2020: 10:30am-12:30pm

Don’t Fall for It! Assessing the Truth Online

In lieu of our regular March meeting we are encouraging our members to attend this session at the New Prague library. 

The internet has dramatically increased our ability to access the information we need to increase our knowledge and make better decisions, but it has also enabled manipulation and misinformation that have adversely impacted our decision-making ability. In this class, you’ll learn how to recognize suspicious or outright false information in your social media newsfeed and on websites.  Presented by Twin Cities Media Alliance and funded by MELSA. Registration is encouraged:

On March 8, NPCAN board members will be meeting with members who filled out our survey and expressed an interest in helping with programming. 

Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020: 6-7:30 p.m. 

Getting Big Money Out of Our Elections

Unchecked political spending by corporations, unions, special interest groups, and wealthy individuals is silencing the voices of citizens and corrupting our ability to freely and fairly elect a representative government of, by, and for the people.

As the Minnesota State Coordinator for American Promise, an organization dedicated to passing the 28th amendment to end Citizens United, Vicki Barnes envisions an America where…
* Our representatives are elected and re-elected based on the merit of their ideas and their performance in the eyes of voters—not who can raise the most money from wealthy donors and special interest groups.
* Our elected officials’ choices represent the will of their constituents—not the financial interests of those who fund their election campaigns.
* The candidates who get the most votes are the ones who win elections, without manipulation through partisan gerrymandering, voter suppression or other political maneuvers.
* Political campaigns focus on issues that matter to people, where debate is civil, and where political advertising is not funded by dark money groups without the knowledge of voters.

Vicki started working on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court Ruling in 2013 while living in Wisconsin. Since moving to Minnesota in the summer of 2015, she has continued her work on the amendment, collaborating with several organizations that share the same goal. Key in this effort is the need to work in a cross-partisan manner.

Wanting her grandchildren to inherit a country with the American Promise of fair and equal representation for our citizens is her primary motivation. We are on track to pass this amendment by 2024, when her oldest grandchild will be in middle school. The dream of him coming of age during the passage and ratification of a Constitutional Amendment is the key motivating factor in Vicki’s life.

Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020: 6-7:30 p.m. 

Our Climate Crisis: Reality and Solutions

Link to video of this talk:

This presentation is in three parts:
Must we change?
Can we change?
Will we change?

Presenter Veda Kanitz is a biology teacher, a trained Climate Reality Leader, and a member of the bipartisan Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

She gives presentations on the science behind the Theory of Global Warming, local and global impacts, and the solutions. Her audiences have included students, seniors, church groups, political groups, and the Rotary. As a citizen lobbyist, she has spoken to several members of Congress over the past 6 years to help create the political will to act on climate.

Kanitz lives in Lakeville with husband Al and daughters Katie and Laura. Her two older sons live in Minnesota and Wisconsin. She has a bachelor of science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and a master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Minnesota. She teaches biology at Rosemount High School, and is a co-advisor for the school’s Environmental Science Club.

Besides teaching and giving presentations on climate change, Kanitz is also an active volunteer for a number of organizations. She is a founding member and chair of the Minnesota DFL Environmental Caucus. She is member of the Sierra Club North Star Chapter, MN350, Lakeville Friends of Environment, and Trout Unlimited. As a member of South of the River CROP Walk Committee, she has worked for the past 7 years to raise awareness and funds to fight hunger locally and globally.

Her love of the natural world and her desire to leave a livable planet for her children and grandchildren informs her life’s work.

This will be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Link to the Facebook event:

Sunday, December 8,2019: 6-9 pm: Celebrating 3 Years of NPCAN

The Depot: 408 West Main Street, New Prague, MN

Link to the Facebook event:

Let’s celebrate 3 years of meeting new friends, building community, supporting one another and helping others.

This is a potluck. NPCAN will provide water and a nonalcoholic grog. But if it’s not a party without wine, by all means, bring some for yourself!

We will have a basket for the Middle School Angel Fund if anyone wants to make a small contribution. This helps pay for chrome book fees, field trips fees, etc for families who cannot afford the fees.


Sunday, November 10, 2019: Solar Panels, Electric Cars, and Saving Money

  • Hurricanes are stronger and more frequent with every season. 
  • “500 year floods” are now as frequent as every two years.
  • Melting glaciers are causing sea levels to rise. 

Climate change is constantly in the news these days. It can be hard not to feel hopeless or lost with the new options available.

Jason Fife, Professional Engineer and lifelong environmentalist, shares his story of wanting to make a difference by designing and installing solar panels on his house in New Prague. With several tips on reducing your carbon footprint, lowering your energy needs, and even saving money, he will offer ideas on the changes you can make that will help our local communities, your home, and your families. Join us on Sunday, November 10, 6 pm, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (1300 Main St. East, New Prague), for his presentation hosted by NPCAN. 

Sunday, October 13, 2019: One Book, One New Prague


In lieu of our usual meeting, we are hosting a community read at Next Chapter Winery. The Winter Bees by Jill Katz is a collection of ten short stories about living, and working in a rural Minnesota town. This book is a Midwest Book Award finalist.  

Register here:

Sunday, September 8, 2019: Depolarizing Within, A Better Angels Workshop

Much of today’s polarization is driven by how we talk with like-minded people about those on the other side.  Too often, we stereotype, dismiss, or ridicule our fellow citizens who support the other political party, its leaders, and its policies. This workshop teaches participants:

  • 1How to be more aware of their own “inner polarizer”
  • 2How to be critical without demonizing, dismissing, or stereotyping     large swaths of the population
  • 3Strategies for intervening constructively in social conversations with like-minded peers when these conversations veer into contempt and ridicule for people who hold other political views

This workshop requires an RSVP so we can plan for food, and the number of moderators. To sign up, click here: Depolarizing Within, A Better Angels workshop

Sunday, August 11, 2019: Let’s Talk Trash!

We have two guests for this meeting who will bring their expertise on working with trash and the environment. Steve Steuber is recently retired from his job with Environmental Services for Scott County, and he loves to “talk trash”! Steve will talk about the Do’s and Don’ts of recycling, about goals for recycling, and more. 

Jake Duame is with The Mulch Store, and will talk about composting. What materials are compostable? What’s the difference between commercial composting and backyard composting?  What are some troubleshooting techniques for composting? What are some of the new compostable products on the market and how should they be handled? How is finished compost tested? Jake has a degree in Natural Resources–Waste Management. He provides outreach and education to waste generators, haulers, and the public through his work with The Mulch Store.

Sunday, July 14, 2019: 

Our July meeting is going to be a ‘Circle Meeting’. You may be asking yourself: “What is a circle meeting?” A ‘Circle Meeting’ is where we all sit in a circle and talk. About our group. About our dreams for NPCAN. About our hopes for our community.

Come with ideas. Leave knowing that you are an important voice for our community. Here’s a link to the Facebook event:

Come with ideas. Leave knowing that you are an important voice for our community.

Sunday, June 9th, 2019: ALLIES MATTER!!!

People who are LGBTQ and their families deserve to be safe and secure, no matter where they live, work, study, pray or play. PFLAG works to provide support, education, and advocacy to make sure that all communities provide a safe environment for learning and living.

NPCAN is partnering with PFLAG for this important training on how we can all work together to make our community safe and secure for our LGBTQ friends.

Sunday, April 14, 2019: Sustainable landscaping will be our topic for this evening, just in time for Spring. Our speakers for the evening will be Dave Sticha, Matt Lasch, and Cathy Pecholt. Our speakers bring a wealth of firsthand, trial-and-error experience with nature. Dave Sticha is a longtime New Prague landscaping professional and will be talking about the advantages of using native plants in landscaping and living off the land. Topics will include rain gardens, fruit trees, composting, vegetable gardens, and best practices to help our pollinators. Matt Lasch is a field services manager for Applied Ecological Services. He has extensive experience with planting native prairies and is well versed in plant identification, herbicide application, mowing, brushing, and prescribed burning. Cathy Pecholt has been learning the art of beekeeping and will also bring some products that she is developing from her honey. Come with questions, and take notes!

Sunday, March 10, 2019 Meeting:, Shawn Morrison from Good in the Hood will speak on his ministries, specifically Shoe Away Hunger. (Thanks to Mary Higgins for organizing.) We will be holding a shoe drive at a later date — stay tuned! There’s more information here: Shoe Away Hunger

Watch the highlights of our Jan 27th, 2019 Stewarding the Earth Community Conversation! On YouTube:

Or, on the local New Prague TV station:


Community Conversation: Stewarding Earth: Realities, Responsibilities & Opportunities in a Changing World

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Bill Middlecamp is a man of science and a man of faith. He has a degree in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin and has been an environmental activist for ten years. He is a commissioned “Earthkeeper” with the United Methodist Church and a charter member in a coalition of churches called Interfaith Creation Care South Metro.

Bill grew up in a family of fourteen, where he learned from an early age about stewarding resources for the good of all. He’s always had an insatiable curiosity, which led him to study physics, climatology, meteorology, and computer science in college. His training and his faith gave him the perspective that we all have a role to play in solving the problems associated with a changing atmosphere.

“My faith requires me to love my neighbor, which means I cannot ignore the harmful side effects of everyday life in this society that fall on disadvantaged souls in future times and lands far from mine. In my small way, I am holding up a sign that says ‘Do not be afraid.’ Do not be afraid—we can solve this with less suffering and more freedom than if we let our fears paralyze us.”


NPCAN Community Conversation: Candidate Forum

Sunday, April 8th, 2018

Although Minnesota’s primary election is months away, the 2018 political season is already in full swing. As part of its Community Conversations, The New Prague Community Action Network (NPCAN) is holding a forum featuring candidates from Minnesota’s 1st and 2nd Congressional District on Sunday, April 8, from 2:30 to 5 p.m. at the New Prague High School, 221 12th St. NE.

The goal of the forum is to discuss topics of local and national significance, and cultivate a better understanding of these issues as they impact our lives and communities. The audience may submit written questions at the forum for possible inclusion in the discussion.

The forum will be split into two sessions. Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District will be from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Candidates confirmed to attend are Johnny Akzam (DFL), Vicki Jensen (DFL), Joe Sullivan (DFL) and Rich Wright (DFL). Candidates Dan Feeham (DFL) and Jim Hagedorn (GOP) are unable to attend, and candidates Carla Nelson (GOP) and Robert Ries (DFL) have yet to respond. Candidates are running for the seat currently held by Rep. Tim Walz, who has announced his candidacy for Minnesota governor.

The session for Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District is from 4 to 5 p.m. Candidate Angie Craig (DFL) is confirmed; candidate Jeff Erdmann (DFL) is unable to attend, and Rep. Jason Lewis (GOP) has been invited but has not yet responded.

Please plan to attend to have a chance to meet and discuss issues with the people who want to represent you in Washington, D.C.
NPCAN will hold community conversations on a variety of topics throughout the year. For more information, check the NPCAN Facebook page.  If you have an idea for future community conversations, please email

Nov. 5, 2017: A Community Conversation on Single Payer Healthcare

Sept. 14, 2017: NPCAN hosts Angie Craig

NPCAN was honored to host Angie Craig, who spoke to a full NPCAN house on Sept. 14. Craig has announced her candidacy to represent the 2nd Congressional District. While in New Prague she talked about her priorities and hopes for the district. She also took questions from community members. We look forward to hosting similar events in the future.

June 10, 2017: Gender Revolution screening and conversation

April 30, 2017: Refugee Resettlement Process In Minnesota

New Prague Community Action Network (NPCAN) was pleased to host Jane Graupman, Executive Director of the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN), on Sunday, April 30th at 6 p.m. in the Holy Trinity sanctuary. IIMN helps resettle and welcome more than 500 refugees every year. Ms. Graupman will lead a presentation and discussion from the journey of life in the refugee camp to the resettlement process.   The community was invited to join us for this important discussion.  There was no charge for the event.  However, attendees were invited to bring a new or gently-used children’s book to donate to the IIMN and area organizations, or a non-perishable food item to be donated to the Peace Center in New Prague.

View a complete recap of the event HERE.


Jan. 21, 2017: Women’s March, Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul

Including more than 40 marchers from New Prague.

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